Excellent performance for Prof. Barbara Veselka, Dr. Hannah James and Dr. Jean-Guillaume Feignon from AMGC, all 3 obtained FWO travel grants to present their work at an international meeting or to carry out research abroad. Good job, spead the work done at AMGC.
Barbara will attend for the first time the annual ASOR conference, the American Society for Overseas Research in Chicago mainly focuses on the Middle East and the Mediterranean. She hope to meet new archaeologists and anthropologists who are specialized in this area and know the climatic and ecologic challenges all too well. She will be presenting her research on the 18th dynasty (comparable to the Late Bronze Age) skeletons from Gebel el-Silsila in Egypt. She uses the differences in nonadult funerary practices (e.g. within a stone cut tomb and with grave goods vs. without grave goods right on the quarry floor) as one of the proxies for the reconstruction of the social stratigraphy in this site.
Hannah is going to the 2nd International Congress on Roman Bioarchaeology in Nicosia at the end of October 2023 to present strontium isotope data on cremated remains from the Roman site of Tongobriga in northern Portugal. She will also present the bioavailable strontium baseline data created at AMGC and discuss how mobility and food sourcing can be viewed using strontium isotopes and concentrations.
Jean-Guillaume will spend 2 full month working on his research project comparing accretionary grains from volcanoes and impact crater at Cergy University in Paris, in the lab of Professor Béatrice Ledésert.