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Recent Doctoral Theses Defended at AMGC
Tom Boonants defended his PhD thesis Today.
Tom Boonants presented successfully his PhD thesis titled "From falling stars to cremated bone: Towards a robust methodology of trace element determination in these Ca-heavy matrices" with Profs Steven Goderis and Christophe Snoeck from AMGC as advisors.Giorgio Arriga obtained his joint PhD between Univ. Roma Tre & AMGC
Giorgio Arriga successfully presented his PhD titled “ Long-term evolution of seismogenic faults in the central Apennines ”, advisors Profs Federico Rossetti (Roma) and Philippe Claeys (AMGC-VUB).Rachèl Spros defended with success her PhD thesis in bioarchaeology
Today Rachèl Spros successfully obtained her PhD with a dissertation titled "Down the Ypres rabitt-hole: A multi-isotope analysis of a medieval urban population". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys, Prof. Dr. Ir. Christophe Snoeck from AMGC & Prof. Dr.Tianhui Ma defended her PhD thesis on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury
Tianhui Ma successfully defended her PhD thesis on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury and other trace metals in aquatic systems. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Yue Gao and Prof. Dr. Martine Leermakers Examination board: Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft (Chair) Prof. Dr. Em. Willy Baeyens (Secretary) Prof.Flore Van Maldeghem defended her PhD on tracing the flux of cosmic dust to Earth
On February 26, 2024, Flore Van Maldeghem obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR of SCIENCE with the thesis "Unraveling the Solar System: Tracing the cosmic dust flux on Earth using Polar Sediments".Ines Llopart Babot PhD on analyses of difficult to measure radionuclides.
Ines Llopart Babot obtained on February 2nd 2024, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Development of novel assay for "difficult to measure" radionuclides in materials produced during nuclear decommissioning activities.Jérôme Roland PhD on condensation in impact generated vapor plumes
Jérôme Roland obtained on January 17th 2024, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Condensation processes in impact-related vapor plumes evidenced by isotope fractionation" Joint PhD with the group G-Time at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).Jordi Sans Duño PhD on metal analyses using DGT devices
Jordi Sans Duño obtained on July 4th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Measuring the availability of metals in large mixtures with diffusive thin films (DGT) devices" Joint PhD with the University of Lleida in Spain Supervisors: Prof. Yue Gao (VUB), Prof.Pim Kaskes PhD on high resolution K-Pg Chicxulub impact
Pim Kaskes obtained on April 26th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Reconstructing the first moments after the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact event: High-resolution petrography and geochemistry of proximal and distal Chicxulub ejecta"  ...Mingyue Luo PhD on biogeochemical processes of inorganic pollutants in water, soil and sediments
Mingyue Luo obtained on April 4th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Monitoring and investigation of biogeochemical processes of inorganic pollutants in water, sediment and soil" Supervisors: Prof. Yue Gao (VUB) and Prof.Ryoga Maeda PhD on Chemical and isotopic characterization of Antarctic meteorites
Ryoga Maeda obtained on March 6th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Chemical and isotopic characterization of Antarctica meteorites: The chemical and isotopic effects of thermal processing and terrestrial weathering on the (re)distribution of trace ele...Tessi Loeffelmann PhD on Viking mobility and burial in Medieval England
Tessi Loeffelmann obtained on February 3rd 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES. The thesis of her doctoral thesis is "There and back again - Mobility and burial rites in early medieval England c.Christina Makarona PhD on Late Bronze Age ceramics from Cyprus
Christina Makarona obtained on Tuesday February 28, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of her doctoral thesis is "Geochemical proxies for the technological study of Late Bronze Age ceramics from south-western Cyprus". Advisors Prof. Dr.Sarah Dalle PhD on Sr & 14C of Belgian cremated bones
On February 15, 2023 Sarah Dalle successfully defended her thesis “Exposing hidden transitions. Integrating strontium and radiocarbon data from archaeological cremated bone within the Belgian landscape”. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Guy De Mulder (UG), Prof. dr. Christophe Snoeck (VUB).Benjamin Jentgen PhD on histology of neosauropods in insular environments
Benjamin Jentgen obtained on July, 5th 2022, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of his doctoral thesis is "Histological and remodelling patterns among neosauropods in insular environments". Joint PhD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel &a...Sietze de Graaff PhD on Chicxulub crater impact melt and crystalline basement
Sietze de Graaff obtained on April 26, 2022, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of his doctoral thesis is: "Making Sense of Destruction: A Geochemical and Petrological Investigation of the Impact Melt Rocks and Crystalline Basement of the Chicxulub Impact Structure.Vendula Smolikovà PhD on trace elments determination in aquatic environments using DGT
Vendula Smolikovà obtained on April 21, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of her doctoral thesis is: "Determination of trace elements in the aquatic environment using diffusive gradients in thin films technique" Joint PhD betwe...Bastien Soens PhD on micrometeorites collected in Antarctica
Bastien Soens obtained on September 17, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the micrometeorite collection from the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica: Nature and origin of the extraterrestrial...Ehab Abdulbur Alfakhory PhD on DGT and PGE measurements using DGT in urban rivers
Ehab Abdulbur Alfakhory obtained on June 10, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Development of the Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Films (DGT) passive sampling technique for Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) and its application in urban rivers' Co...Annelies Van Heyst PhD on mineral oil hydrocarbons in food
Annelies Van Heyst obtained on April 1, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Challenges in the evaluation of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food' Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Marc Elskens Co-promotor: Dr. Els Van Hoeck, Dr.Chunyang Zhou PhD on biogeochemistry of marine sediments
Chunyang Zhou obtained on February 16, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Understanding biogeochemical processes of trace elements in marine sediments at various spatial scales' Promotor: Prof. dr. Yue GaoMatthias Sinnesael PhD on cyclostratigraphy & astrochronology
Matthias Sinnesael obtained on June 12, 2020 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the doctoral thesis: "Astronomical cycle identification methods and their application to high-resolution Ordovician stratigraphy". Joint PhD between VUB and Ghent University with Philipp...Genyffer Troina PhD on stable isotopes in cetaceans to determine trophic levels and ecology
Genyffer Troina obtained on October 17, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following thesis "Trophic interactions and ecology of cetaceans from the western South Atlantic" PhD jointly with Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil, carried out with as advisors AMGC'ers...Alicia Van Ham - Meert PhD on development of new isotope tracers in Archaeology
Alicia Van Ham - Meert obtained on May 06, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the thesis: "Development of non-destructive analysis protocols for the chemical and isotopic analysis of archaeological materials". Joint PhD between the KU Leuven and the VUB, superv...Niels de Winter PhD on high resolution (year, season…) paleoclimates determination in deep-time
Niels de Winter obtained on February 22, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis " A critical assessment of the proxies, archives and techniques available for high-resolution paleoclimate reconstructions". With Philippe Claeys as advisor.&nb...Kevin De Bondt PhD on optimized new methods for urban water management
Kevin De Bondt obtained on September 21, 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the doctoral thesis "The forgotten connections between groundwater and urban water management policies: Stable isotope and the Urban Hydrological Landscape applied to Brussels". Thesis adviso...Tara Vandermarken PhD on Calux Bioassay to detect estrogens
Tara Vandermarken obtained on May 25, 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Development of estrogens in the environment and in food packaging materials". PhD advisors Marc Elskens.Stef Vansteenberge PhD on recent paleoclimate reconstruction using speleothems
Stef Vansteenberge obtained on May 25 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: Reconstruction of last interglacial & last glacial inception paleoclimate using Belgian speleothems. Promotor: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys