Tom Boonants defended his PhD thesis Today.
Tom Boonants presented successfully his PhD thesis titled "From falling stars to cremated bone: Towards a robust methodology of trace element determination in these Ca-heavy matrices" with Profs Steven Goderis and Christophe Snoeck from AMGC as advisors.Giorgio Arriga obtained his joint PhD between Univ. Roma Tre & AMGC
Giorgio Arriga successfully presented his PhD titled “ Long-term evolution of seismogenic faults in the central Apennines ”, advisors Profs Federico Rossetti (Roma) and Philippe Claeys (AMGC-VUB).VUB archaeologist Ella Egberts discovers hand axes that may go back 1,5 million years ago in Iraqi desert
In November and December 2024, VUB researcher Ella Egberts embarked on a pilot project in the Iraqi Western Desert, specifically in the Al-Shabakah area, to investigate archaeological surface material.AMGC Archaeologists aim to shed new light on the Late Bronze Age collapse
The collapse of the Late Bronze Age (LBA) civilizations in the Eastern Mediterranean remains one of the greatest historical enigmas.National press coverage on AMGC-coordinated meteorite search expedition (BELARE Mission 2024-2025)
We are proud to share that Professor Steven Goderis, a leading member of the AMGC research group, and his team's groundbreaking Antarctic meteorite expedition have received extensive media attention.Docville 2025 scientific documentary filming
For the 2025 Docville Scientific documentary, the directors Maria and Frederik Stut filmed Dr. Cem Berk Senel at the Royal Observatory of Belgium on Wednesday (with Dr. Özgür Karatekin and Dr. Orkun Temel partly joining) and at VUB-AMGC on Thursday.Testerep exhibition opening in Oostende
Our AMGC landscape archaeology professor Soetkin Vervust has been working tirelessly on her exhibition on Testerep, the lost island on the Belgian coast!Follow meteorite search in Antarctica - BELARE Mission 2024-2025
The first meteorites are being collected from the Belgica Mountains in Antarctica, with Steven Goderis in command. Despite major difficulties and equipment lost while crossing large crevasse fields, new meteorites are being recovered.Archaeology workshop for 5th grade elementary school students in Schaarbeek
On Thursday, December 12, a team of AMGC archaeology PhD students, led by Professor Ralf Vandam, hosted an engaging workshop for 5th-grade elementary students in Schaerbeek.Two AMGC presentations at the 14th annual Day on Belgian Archaeological Research in the Ancient Greek World
On December 13, AMGC archaeology PhD student Elisavet Stamataki delivered an insightful presentation at the 14th Annual Day on Belgian Archaeological Research in the Ancient Greek World.AMGC Keynote lecture & 2 PhD student presentations at the 3rd ISCMGEH-Europe conference
During the 3rd International Student Conference on Medical Geology and Environmental Health (European edition), which was held online between 26-29 November, 2 PhD students from AMGC presented their contributions in the session "Emerging Contaminants: Challenges and Impacts". Sybrien L...The Age of Terraces: Geoarchaeological campaign in Cyprus
The AGMC Terrace group recently participated in another fieldwork campaign in the foothills of the Troodos mountains in Cyprus (Pyrga, Erimi, and Politiko areas) at the beginning of November 2024.Rachèl Spros defended with success her PhD thesis in bioarchaeology
Today Rachèl Spros successfully obtained her PhD with a dissertation titled "Down the Ypres rabitt-hole: A multi-isotope analysis of a medieval urban population". Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys, Prof. Dr. Ir. Christophe Snoeck from AMGC & Prof. Dr.Worldwide media on Science paper: dino killer meteorite came from Solar System outskirts
Major media attention in top 5% of all Altmetric research for our new paper published today in Science: with a team of international colleagues, using Ruthenium isotopes to show that the large meteorite that doomed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago came from the far end of the Solar System, way bey...Fieldwork Campaign in Historic Agricultural Terraces of Central Italy
In the Monti Lucretili area (70 km from Rome), the Medieval Castle of Montefalco stands atop limestone mountains, overlooking abandoned agricultural terraces.AMGC's new Argon tank installed
A new tank of Argon (Ar) gas has been installed today at the VUB to supply the Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometers (ICP-MS) of the AMGC group. This tank with a capacity of 2000 litres guarantees the regular, steady and continuous supply of Ar gas to the AMGC labs. The aim is to...FWO 2024 Climate Price for Niels de Winter
Niels de Winter is the laureate of the FWO Climate price 2024 for his work on bivalve shell as archive of high resolution ancien climate changes.Read more about the Testerep research in the newspaper 'De Morgen'.
A journalist from 'De Morgen' was on board the research vessel Simon Stevin and searched for the remains of 'Het Atlantis' off the Belgian coast.EOS article based on new micrometeorite paper
The new paper by PhD student Tom Boonants on cosmic spherules was picked up by EOS Wetenschappen for a nice and complete summary in Dutch.PLENARY TALK ON THE FUTURE OF SOIL SCIENTISTS IN ITALY 2024
“We all are the future of soil sciences… when understanding and supporting the young people and children” were the final words shared by AMGC doctoral fellow Axel Cerón González at the Centennial Celebration of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) on the 21st May 2024 in Florence, Italy.Cover of Nature Climate Change for our global warming hiding Antarctic meteorites paper
Our new paper made the cover of Nature Climate Change and received wide press coverage.Benjamin Avakian wins price at European Geothermal PhD days 2024 at TU Delf
Benjamin Avakian is a PhD student funded by Eutopia program between the Departement Geosciences et Environnement at CY Cergy-Paris Université and AMGC-VUB working withe Profs Béatrice Ledesert, Philippe Claeys and Steven Goderis .Tianhui Ma defended her PhD thesis on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury
Tianhui Ma successfully defended her PhD thesis on the biogeochemical cycle of mercury and other trace metals in aquatic systems. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Yue Gao and Prof. Dr. Martine Leermakers Examination board: Prof. Dr. Frank De Proft (Chair) Prof. Dr. Em. Willy Baeyens (Secretary) Prof.Flore Van Maldeghem defended her PhD on tracing the flux of cosmic dust to Earth
On February 26, 2024, Flore Van Maldeghem obtained the academic degree of DOCTOR of SCIENCE with the thesis "Unraveling the Solar System: Tracing the cosmic dust flux on Earth using Polar Sediments".Ancient terrace hunting in Cyprus
“[…] when they [ancient local Cypriots] cut down all the trees, created the terraces with rocksto retain some water and avoid losing the soil” (Andreas N., personal communication, 7 February 2024).Ines Llopart Babot PhD on analyses of difficult to measure radionuclides.
Ines Llopart Babot obtained on February 2nd 2024, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Development of novel assay for "difficult to measure" radionuclides in materials produced during nuclear decommissioning activities.Flore talks about micrometeorites on the radio
On Radio 1, fInishing PhD student Flore Van Maldeghem describes her research on micrometeorites and how extra-terrestrial material can be found on many rooftops.Website ready for Annual meeting of the Meteoritical Society in Brussels
For the first time, all meteorite, micro-meteorite, planetary & impact crater specialists gather in Brussels for their annual meeting from July 28 to Aug.New paper in PNAS Nexus on hot carbonates formed within the Dino killer Chicxulub crater
Using the AMGC Oxygen clumped isotope facilty, high temperature (> 300ºC) calcium carbonate fragments are identified deep within the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan.Jérôme Roland PhD on condensation in impact generated vapor plumes
Jérôme Roland obtained on January 17th 2024, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Condensation processes in impact-related vapor plumes evidenced by isotope fractionation" Joint PhD with the group G-Time at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).Key paper in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment on deep-time Cyclostratigraphy
Professors David De Vleeschouwer and Lawrence Percival, both former members of AMGCer's, authored a major review paper on Cyclostratigraphy and Paleoclimate that constitutes an major advance towards a fully astronomically-calibrated timescale for the entire Phanerozoic.AMGC science communication
This was a busy weekend for AMGC'ers in terms of Science outreach and presentations to a public of non-specialists. Check it out.Successful campaign in Cyprus
The third season of the Hala Sultan Tekke Hinterland project took place during the last week of October and the first two weeks of November.Worldwide media coverage of Dust as the main factor in dinosaurs extinction
Check out Altmetric of our paper “Chicxulub impact winter sustained by fine silicate dust”. It is a collaboration with Royal Belgian Observatory and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.Bioarchaeology field sampling in Slovenia
Successfull field campaign in Slovenia The last but not least sampling campaign of the CRIME project (a collaboration of AMGC researchers with the University of Ljubljana , and the Jožef Stefan Institute , funded by FWO ) was completed in August 2023. The CRIME project focus...3 FWO TRAVEL GRANTS FOR AMGCer's
Excellent performance for Prof. Barbara Veselka, Dr. Hannah James and Dr. Jean-Guillaume Feignon from AMGC, all 3 obtained FWO travel grants to present their work at an international meeting or to carry out research abroad. Good job, spead the work done at AMGC.PhD position at AMGC in radionuclides and waste management
AMGC is hiring a new PhD student on a project in collaboration with SCK-CEN Topic: Novel assays of ‘difficult-to-measure’ radionuclides in the context of a sustainable waste management radionuclides used in medical applications. AMGC contact: Prof. Martine Leermakers More details...AMGC as urban engaged research group
The VUB is known as an "Urban Engaged University" very much integrated within the city of Brussels and so is AMGC that actively carries out research focused on Brussels, as shown by the new PhD project that is starting soon “ Revealing the Senne: a hidden landmark in the historical center of Brus...VENI funding for Former AMGC'er Niels de Winter
Prof. Dr. Niels de Winter was awarded a VENI grant to develop new research at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam from the Dutch Research Council. Niels is a former AMGC'er who obtained his PhD in 2019 at the VUB with Philippe Claeys.New paper in Earth Science Reviews definitively refutes Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis
A new paper authored by a large group of experts in domains ranging from Anthropology and Archaeology to Environmental Changes and Impact Cratering, published online this week in the well established journal Earth-Science Reviews, definitively refutes the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis...Jordi Sans Duño PhD on metal analyses using DGT devices
Jordi Sans Duño obtained on July 4th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Measuring the availability of metals in large mixtures with diffusive thin films (DGT) devices" Joint PhD with the University of Lleida in Spain Supervisors: Prof. Yue Gao (VUB), Prof.VUB 2023 BBQ
On Friday June 30 2023 the traditional annual VUB staff BBQ took place on campus. AMGC participated. See the pictures of this great team event below.Top prize for Flore Van Maldeghem at VUB 2023 Doctoral Derby
PhD student Flore Van Maldeghem was one of the 3 laureates of this year Doctoral Derby at the VUB. With her research on Antarctic meteorites as messenger from space titled "Clues from cosmic dust" , Flore is this year winner of the prize for "best written research summary".Ambassador of China in Belgium visits AMGC labs
On Thursday May 25th, His Excellency Ambassador Zhongming Cao discovered the AMGC labs during his visit at the VUB. Professor Yue Gao introduced him to the AMGC staff and mass spectrometers and explain our research focusing on Earth and Environmental Sciences.Success for CycloNet 1st Field School
The first CycloNet Summer Training School sponsored by Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) was held from April 29th to May 06th 2023 at Osservatorio Geologico di Coldigioco (OCG) in Italy. CycloNet is support by FWO Scientific Research Network. Prof.New paper in Nature Astronomy sheds light on Jupiter formation
Professors Steven Goderis and Philippe Claeys, co-authored a paper with colleagues from Open University in the UK and Dr Lidia Pittarello (former AMGC post-doc now at Museum of Natural History, Vienna) published this week in Nature Astronomy on the formation and m...Pim Kaskes PhD on high resolution K-Pg Chicxulub impact
Pim Kaskes obtained on April 26th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Reconstructing the first moments after the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact event: High-resolution petrography and geochemistry of proximal and distal Chicxulub ejecta"  ...Flore among 8 finalists of VUB Doctoral Derby
PhD student Flore Van Maldeghem is among the 8 finalists selected for this year VUB Science Communication contest. Congratulation to Flore and we wish her the very best of luck.Mingyue Luo PhD on biogeochemical processes of inorganic pollutants in water, soil and sediments
Mingyue Luo obtained on April 4th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Monitoring and investigation of biogeochemical processes of inorganic pollutants in water, sediment and soil" Supervisors: Prof. Yue Gao (VUB) and Prof.Bye bye Dr. Ryoga Maeda and good luck in Japan
Dr. Ryoga Maeda is now a research associate at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology - JAMSTEC in Yokohama, Japan. After four fantastic years of PhD research on Antarctic meteorites with Professor Steven Goderis as thesis advisor, and as a pillar of AMGC, Dr.Prof. Martine Leermakers with students on the Belgica
Professor Martine Leermakers held a training course for VUB and UGent Master students in Environmental Chemistry on board of the new RV Belgica in March 2023. Students learned to use oceanographic equipments and understand aquatic geochemical processes.Ryoga Maeda PhD on Chemical and isotopic characterization of Antarctic meteorites
Ryoga Maeda obtained on March 6th 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Chemical and isotopic characterization of Antarctica meteorites: The chemical and isotopic effects of thermal processing and terrestrial weathering on the (re)distribution of trace ele...Tessi Loeffelmann PhD on Viking mobility and burial in Medieval England
Tessi Loeffelmann obtained on February 3rd 2023, the academic degree of DOCTOR in INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES. The thesis of her doctoral thesis is "There and back again - Mobility and burial rites in early medieval England c.Christina Makarona PhD on Late Bronze Age ceramics from Cyprus
Christina Makarona obtained on Tuesday February 28, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of her doctoral thesis is "Geochemical proxies for the technological study of Late Bronze Age ceramics from south-western Cyprus". Advisors Prof. Dr.Sarah Dalle PhD on Sr & 14C of Belgian cremated bones
On February 15, 2023 Sarah Dalle successfully defended her thesis “Exposing hidden transitions. Integrating strontium and radiocarbon data from archaeological cremated bone within the Belgian landscape”. Supervisors: Prof. dr. Guy De Mulder (UG), Prof. dr. Christophe Snoeck (VUB).Media storm about Tessi new Vikings paper
Tessi Loeffelmann paper in titled "Sr analyses from only known Scandinavian cremation cemetery in Britain illuminate early Viking journey with horse and dog across the North Sea" receives lots of media attention. Tessi is finishing her joint PhD at University of...Antarctica field season culminates with a ~ 8 kg meteorite
This year field season in Antarctica led to the discovery of an almost 8 kg meteorite.Flore and VUB Children University
PhD researcher Flore Van Maldeghem is very active in the diffusion of AMGC research, and its communication to schools and a large public. At AMGC we make every effort to spread the results of our research widely, to schools and the public in general.Bye bye Chris Cheung
Dr. Christina Cheung in now a Professor in Anthropology in Hong-Kong. After two great years as post-doctoral researcher within AMGC, Dr.New Antarctic meteorites
Great start for our 2022-2023 meteorite search in East Antarctica, using the Belgian station Princess Elisabeth as logistic base. AMGC'er Ryoga Maeda already reports the finding of several meteorites within the searched moraines deposits.New toy for Steven Goderis
Steven and his team enjoy a new toy for studying (micro)meteorites and the flux of extra-terrestrial particules to Earth. Thanks to funding from the Research Foundation Flanders, Hercules project : "Shooting stars and blasting dinosaurs: boosting ICP-MS capabilities across various r...AMGC team building
On December 12 & 13, 2002, AMGC members metin Oostende, at the Thermae Palace Hotel for the annual team building activities. Presentations were given and discussions occured under the leadership of Prof.Marion Peral & IODP Exp397
From October 11 to today Dr. Marion Peral was a scientist on the Joides Resolution IODP Exp 397. She is now returning to Tarragona (Spain) after ± 2 month at sea drilling the ocean floor offshore the Iberian margin in the South of Portugal.Philippe visits Marocco
Philippe Claeys was in Marocco end of November invited to present a keynote talks during the inaugural session of the MedGU 2022 Meeting. The Mediterranean Geosciences Union meeting (Nov. 28 to 30) was in Marrakech at the Cadi Ayyad University.BB-LAB is hiring
Join the BB-LAB to study the impact of past Rapid Climate Change on human mobility in prehistoric Belgium. PhD Position in isotope Bioarchaeology at the VUB within the recently funded LEAP project "Learning from the past: the impact of abrupt climate change on society and environments in...New Paper by Dr. Sietze de Graaff
A new paper as part of the recent PhD of Dr. Sietze de Graaff is published in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.3 FWO TRAVEL GRANTS FOR AMGCer's
This year AMGC made a razzia on Research Foundation Flanders Travel Grants (FWO) to spread our research results all over the world. Dr Kevin Rey obtained financial support to attend the " The 6th International Palaeontological Congress " in Khon Kaen, Thailand, i...IAS POST-DOC. GRANT FOR DR. MARTA MARCHEGIANO
Dr. Marta Marchegiano, post-doctoral researcher at AMGC received an International Association of Sedimentologists IAS post-doctoral grant. The title of her project is "Ostracod living fauna from Lake Izabal (Guatemala) and Lake Victoria (Tanzania) as modern analogue to reconstr...DR. SIETZE DE GRAAFF PAPER TOP DOWNLOAD LIST IN SSRN
The pre-print of Sietze de Graaff is second in the SSRN top 10 list to download list. The paper is titled: The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic aged magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico.HAÜY-LACROIX AWARD FOR DR. SÉGOLÈNE RABIN
Dr. Ségolène Rabin is a post-doctoral researcher with Professor Steven Goderis on the BELSPO project DESIRE. She is the 2022 laureate of the Haüy-Lacroix award given by the "Société Française de Minéraologie et Cristallographie" for her PhD work carried out...Benjamin Jentgen PhD on histology of neosauropods in insular environments
Benjamin Jentgen obtained on July, 5th 2022, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of his doctoral thesis is "Histological and remodelling patterns among neosauropods in insular environments". Joint PhD between Vrije Universiteit Brussel &a...Niels de Winter Video over fossils and climate changes
Dr. Niels de Winter video for Universiteit Vlaanderen is online here It describes in details how ancient, often million years old fossil shells can provide very high resolution, down to season or days, paleoclimate information that make it possible to better understan...3 X poster award at UKAS for AMGC’ers
This week at the UK Archaeological Science Conference (UKAS) held in Aberdeen, UK, AMGC researchers: Carina Gerritzen, Ellie Stamataki and Dr.Sietze de Graaff PhD on Chicxulub crater impact melt and crystalline basement
Sietze de Graaff obtained on April 26, 2022, the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of his doctoral thesis is: "Making Sense of Destruction: A Geochemical and Petrological Investigation of the Impact Melt Rocks and Crystalline Basement of the Chicxulub Impact Structure.Vendula Smolikovà PhD on trace elments determination in aquatic environments using DGT
Vendula Smolikovà obtained on April 21, 2022 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES. The title of her doctoral thesis is: "Determination of trace elements in the aquatic environment using diffusive gradients in thin films technique" Joint PhD betwe...Christina research highlighted in South China Morning Post
The paper by Dr. Christina Cheung a post-doctoral researcher from AMGC and BBLab made the headline in the South China Morning Post.Top cited paper for Barbara
Barbara Veselka, post-doctoral researcher, recent paper titled "Estimating age-at-death in burnt adult human remains using the Falys-Prangle method" Is within the top cited for 2020-2021 in the journal "American Journal of Biological Anthropology" Congratulati...FRONTIERS FOR YOUNG MINDS PAPER BY HANNAH, JACOB, AND CHRISTINA
Fantastic outreach to the young generation of scientists. AMGC'ers Dr. Hannah James, Jacob Griffith, Dr.Niels de Winter @ Universiteit Vlaanderen
On Monday 28 of March, Dr. Niels de Winter presents his research on how North Sea oyster-shells register climate changes at very high resolution (in Dutch).New GSA Special paper in honor of Walter Alvarez
The book to honor Prof. Walter Alvarez career achievements is now published online by Geological Society of America Special papers.Lunar & Planetary Institute Career Development Award for Pim
Pim Kaskes, PhD student working on Chicxulub crater is one of the 2022 winners of the Career Development Award from the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) presented this year at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston Texas.PhD position in radionuclide
AMGC is hiring a new PhD student on a project in collaboration with SCK-CEN Topic: Development of fast and sensitive methods for radiotoxicological and biodistribution studies/analyses of radionuclides used in medical applications. AMGC contact: Prof. Martine...In the News paper on finding more Antarctic meteorites
Machine learning helps find Antarctic meteorites, new paper by PhD student Veronica Tollenaar (@FNRS) and Dr. Harry Zekollari in Science Advances read it here in open access.PhD position in Paleoclimates
Join a motivated, dynamic and diverse research group in Brussels, supported by outstanding analytical facilities. AMGC is currently recruiting a PhD student to work on a funded FWO project "Some like it hot" that proposes to document changing paleoclimates through tim...Nature Paper
Dr. Barbara Veselka, AMGC and MARI specialist in Osteology, co-authors a recent paper in Nature titled "Large-scale migration into Britain during the Middle to Late Bronze Age". The manuscript highlights, using genome analyses, differences between ancient migratio...2022 Pierazzo International Student Travel Award to Pim Kaskes
Pim Kaskes receives this award from the Planetary Science Institute to present his PhD research at the 2022 Lunar and Planetary Conference in Houston, Texas Pim Kaskes is current a PhD student (FWO fellow) in AMGC working on the 66 million years old Chicxulub cra...David De Vleeschouwer Professor at University of Muenster
David De Vleeschouwer did his PhD as FWO fellow within AMGC at the VUB with Philippe Claeys, on orbital forcing influence of Devonian Greenhouse Climates, after successful years in MARUM Bremen and an IODP cruise offshore Australia, he is now the new Earth System professor...New paper by Emeritus Prof. Eddy Keppens
Good researchers never grow old... New Paper published this week by Emeritus Professor Eddy Keppens. Eddy retired in 2013 after a full career at the VUB, coming from Ghent University, where he got his degree in Geology, he was one of the first VUB PhD students with Prof.Paleontologica Belgica Awards 2021 at VUB
Video of the ceremony VUB Vice-rector research Karin Vanderkerken and Minister for Science Policy Thomas Dermine is on YouTube click here Website Paleontologica Belgica Dr. Koen Stein, former AMGC FWO post-doc and now working at Royal Institute of Na...Award for Ryoga
National Institute of Polar Research International (NIPR) Internship award granted to Ph student Ryoga Maeda. Ryoga will spend 3 months at NIPR from December 2021 to March 2022. In the framework of this project Ryoga Maeda will work with Dr.Plos One Paper by Dr. Kevin Salesse
Dr. Kevin Salesse from AMGC & BBLab experimentally cremated pigs remains and then used stable isotopes of C and O together with Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine the position of a body on the pyre and the presence of footwe...New paper by Dr. Ines Tomasek
Great work by Dr. Ines Tomasek , in collaboration with AMGC'ers and FARD team-members.2021 EOS Pipet Price for Niels de Winter
Niels de Winter, FWO post-doctoral researcher at AMGC and Marie Sklodowska-Curie post-doctoral research at Utrecht University is the 2020 EOS Pipet Award laureate (award for a young scientist given by EOS Magazine) Bravissiomo Niels de Winter .Bastien Soens PhD on micrometeorites collected in Antarctica
Bastien Soens obtained on September 17, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the micrometeorite collection from the Sør Rondane Mountains, Antarctica: Nature and origin of the extraterrestrial...EGU Cyclostratigraphy blog
Former AMGC'ers Dr. David De Vleeschouwer (PhD 2014), now Earth System Professor at Muenster University and Dr. Matthias Sinnesael (PhD.Flore teaches about Solar System.
In Oostende on Saturday 7th Aug. Flore Van Maldeghem from AMGC explained the formation of the solar system, planets and meteorites to the next generation of geologists and planetary scientists. Despite the rain, a good crowd attended the lecture, in the street, by Flor...GSA Bulletin paper on Chicxulub
In this paper, titled "Formation of the crater suevite sequence from the Chicxulub peak ring: A petrographic, geochemical and sedimentological characterization", recently published in Geological Society of America Bulletin, Pim Kaskes, FWO PhD fellow, describes the thick suevite sequences...Matthias publishes PhD paper in... Geology
Dr Matthias Sinnesael last (of many) paper from his PhD at AMGC is now available in Geology (read it here).IAS grant for Dr. Johan Vellekoop
International Association of Sedimentologists funds Johan Maastrichtian Geo-Heritage project Dr Johan Vellekoop (FWO senior postdoctoral researcher) received funding from IAS (International Association of Sedimentologists) to carry out a high-resolution sedi...Steven Goderis about meteorites in "Het Nieuwsblad"
Nice article in Dutch in Het Nieuwblad, a very popular journal in Belgium over meteorites, with an extensive interview of Prof. Steven Goderis. Title "Stukje meteoriet gevonden?Paper get worldwide press coverage
In this new paper published in Nature Communications Earth & Environment Dr. Niels de Winter and co-authors reconstruct absolute seasonal temperature by measuring clumped isotope in bivalve shells.Ehab Abdulbur Alfakhory PhD on DGT and PGE measurements using DGT in urban rivers
Ehab Abdulbur Alfakhory obtained on June 10, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Development of the Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Films (DGT) passive sampling technique for Platinum Group Elements (PGEs) and its application in urban rivers' Co...FWO large instrument funding for Steven Goderis
A new laser ablation triple-quad inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, coupled with high performance liquid chromatography for AMGC are part of the large instruments funded for the VUB by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) this year, with Proferssor Steven Goderi...Paper published on Chicxulub crater
PhD student Sietze de Graaff wrote this very complete and detailed paper showing how the impact melt material formed within the 200 km size Chicxulub impact structure, based on the material recovered by the IODP-ICDP drilling in 2016 within the peak-ring part of the structure.CycloNet project presented at EGU 2022
New CycloNet project (European Cyclo-Stratigraphy Network) supported by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) is presented at the EGU 2022 General Assembly by Philippe Claeys, Christian Zeeden, David De Vleeschouwer and Matthias Sinnesael. The aim is to federate and coordinate research i...Ryoga first paper published
Ryoga Maeda PhD student on EOS ET-Home project published the first paper of his PhD on alteration of meteorites collected in Antarctica.STEVEN GODERIS LECTURES AT THE ROYAL FLEMISH CHEMICAL SOCIETY
On Tuesday 17 of May 2022, at 7 PM, Professor Steven Goderis presented a lecture to the "Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging" (Royal Flemish Chemical Society, KVCV) at the VUB, titled:"Iridium distributed around the globe following the Chicxulub impact event"Niels de Winter selected for two Science prices
Dr. Niels de Winter (PhD 2019) is selected for BOTH the 2021 EOS Pipet price and for the New Scientist Science Talent 2021. Please vote on websites of New Scientist Wetenschapstalent 2021 and EOS Pipet price 2021: to support Ni...Science Advances paper makes an impact
Former AMGC'er Dr. Matthias Van Ginneken is first author a new manuscript in Science Advances describing the explosion of a meteorite above Antarctica some 430000 years ago, and the production of a touchdown event when a vapor jets interact with the ice sheet Right: Touchdo...Annelies Van Heyst PhD on mineral oil hydrocarbons in food
Annelies Van Heyst obtained on April 1, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Challenges in the evaluation of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food' Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. Marc Elskens Co-promotor: Dr. Els Van Hoeck, Dr.Marta new paper
PhD student Marta Hlad (FWO Fellow) is first author of a new paper recently published in American Journal of Physical Anthropology together with other members of the CRUMBEL team, led by Professor Christophe Snoeck. Click here to read the paper or visit the&Paper in AGU top 2020 downloads
Days were shorter in time of the dinosaurs, according to 2020 AMGC paper in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology published by the American Geophysical Union (AGU). This paper is among the AGU top-download of 2020 Study directed by AMGC Dr.Chunyang Zhou PhD on biogeochemistry of marine sediments
Chunyang Zhou obtained on February 16, 2021 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: 'Understanding biogeochemical processes of trace elements in marine sediments at various spatial scales' Promotor: Prof. dr. Yue GaoFlying mass spectrometers
Check out our two flying Mass Spectrometers entering the VUB building F through the window on the 8th floor. Two new instruments are being installed at the VUB this month.Matthias Sinnesael PhD on cyclostratigraphy & astrochronology
Matthias Sinnesael obtained on June 12, 2020 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the doctoral thesis: "Astronomical cycle identification methods and their application to high-resolution Ordovician stratigraphy". Joint PhD between VUB and Ghent University with Philipp...Iridium found in dino killer crater
Prof. Steven Goderis published a paper in Science Advances showing the presence of the KT boundary Ir positive anomaly within the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan (read it here open access) Check out VUB Today coverage, worldwide it attracted major media attention...VLIZ North Sea Award 2020 for Camille Gaulier
Camille Gaulier is the laureate of the VLIZ (Flanders Marine Institute) North Sea Award 2020 for her research on trace metals and their speciation in the Southern Bight of the North Sea and along the Scheldt estuary. Read below her comments on learning about this awar...Paleoclimate research on TV
AMGC paleoclimate research using speleothems (stalagmite and cave deposits) is featured on Belgian TV (RTBF), with interview of Sophie Verheyden and Philippe Claeys. Click here to watch video (in French) This follows a large press coverage in Belgian me...New Antarctic Meteorites
Professor Steven Goderis from AMGC was in charge of the 2019-2020 Belgian mission to Antarctica that collected meteorite from the Nansen Ice field, near Princess Elisabeth station. The international mission was composed also of Dr. Hamed Pourkhorsandi (ULB), Professor N...Kinderuniversiteit micrometeoriet
For the scientists of the future, in the framework of "Kinderuniversiteit" at the VUB, PhD researcher Flore Van Maldeghem organized a workshop searching for and finding micrometeorites on the roof-tops in Brussels (see below a summary In Dutch) Samenvatting &PhD defense of Alicia Van Ham - Meert
Joint PhD between the KU Leuven and the VUB, supervised by Professors Patrick Degryse and Philippe Claeys.New paper by Niels de Winter, Christophe Snoeck, Philippe Claeys
More biogeoarchaelogy output from AMGC, research presented at the Bones Diagenesis meeting organized in Oxford in 2017.PhD Genyffer Troina on Thursday Oct. 19
PhD jointly with Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil, carried out with AMGC'ers Frank Dehairs and Marc Elskens.New paper
More biogeoarchaelogy output from AMGC, Niels de Winter, Christophe Snoeck and Philippe Claeys, research presented at theBone Diagenesis meeting organized in Oxford in 2017. Read it hereGenyffer Troina PhD on stable isotopes in cetaceans to determine trophic levels and ecology
Genyffer Troina obtained on October 17, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following thesis "Trophic interactions and ecology of cetaceans from the western South Atlantic" PhD jointly with Federal University of Rio Grande, Brazil, carried out with as advisors AMGC'ers...Universiteit van Vlaanderen : Hoe zijn de dinosaurussen nu echt uitgestorven
Philippe Claeys video on YouTube for Universiteit Van Vlaanderen (in Dutch) about the end of the dinosaurs and the formation of the Chicxulub crater in Yucatan 66 million years ago, cause by the collision on Earth of a 10 to 12 km asteroid.AMGC intersciplinary research
The output is spread 50% in Earth and Planetary sciences, the rest is distributed between 9 other disciplines from Environmental Sciences 8.7%) to Arts and Humanity (6.1%), Physics and Astronomy (4.8%) etc. See figure belowDr. Perrine Mangion visiting from Université de la Réunion
During her 1 month stay, Dr Perrine Mangion performed the extraction and isotopic analyses of N and O in nitrates from groundwater and river water samples from La Réunion to identify the origin of the nitrate contamination.Climate rage for just transition - Lectures - Walks- Workshops - Debates
On October 29, at Wiels ( a series of conferences presented by AMGC'ers Natacha Brion and Philippe Claeys, together with Landscape Architect Bas Smets discussion how to properly manage urban waters in Brussels and propose solutions for the future.Meteors & Placoderms, Lectures organised by Belgian Paleontological Association at VUB
Two lectures on Wed. Oct. 23 on VUB campus, room D.2.01, by Sebastien Olive (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences) on Placoderms (fishes) and by Philippe Claeys on the dinosaur extinction.Het Laatste Nieuws - 3 full pages on AMGC research
Our recent PNAS publication on the mechanism of the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago led to a special article (in Dutch) in the popular journal "Het Laatste Nieuws".Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI Meeting in Brasilia
Steven, Thomas, Sietze and Pim then carried out field work around the Araguainha crater, trying to avoid deadly snake bites.... Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution VI 2019 Meeting in Brasilia brought together impact crater specialists from all over the world.Harvesting gold and platinum from Brussels sewers
Innoviris, the Brussels Agency for Research and Innovation supports this new project called SUBLIMUS through its Bridge Strategic Platform: Green Chemistry action. SUBLIMUS develops an integrated low-cost and green process to harvest the substantial quantities of gold, platinum, silver pr...Science Advance paper
Paper title: An extraterrestrial trigger for the mid-Ordovician ice age: Dust from the breakup of the L-chondrite parent body .New PNAS paper on mechanism of Dino extinction
This new paper written with a large number of colleagues from the IODP-ICDP expedition 364 describes how the Chicxulub impact vaporized sediments from the target rock and injected a large volume of S-rich components into the atmosphere leading to the mass extinction.Upcoming AMGC Seminar
JEONG-HYUN LEE Dept. of Geological Sciences, Chungnam National Universit MARINE OXYGENATION AND THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF PALEOZOIC REEFS Friday, Sept. 13, 2019 11 am, room F10.720Geological Society of America Special Papers 542 is out
Manuscripts online at 87Sr/86Sr record from the Lower Cretaceous pelagic Maiolica limestone (Central Apennines, Italy) and its offset from the global seawater reference curve By Joke Belza; Walter Alvarez; Frank Vanhaecke; Philippe C...GSA Special Papers is out
Geological Society of America Special Papers 542 just published: Manuscripts online at 4 papers authored by AMGC'ers/ 1) 87Sr/86Sr record from the Lower Cretaceous pelagic Maiolica limestone (Central Apennines, Italy) and its off...Upcoming AMGC Seminar
JOHN W. VALLEY Charles R. Van Hise Distinguished Professor Dept. of Geosciences, University of Wisconsin – Madison HADEAN ZIRCONS ARE NOT FROM HELL: EVIDENCE FROM ATOM PROBE & SIMS Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2019 4 pm, room F10.720AMGC in Vietnam
Professors Yue Gao and Martine Leermakers organized a DGT workshop and training in Vietnam as parts of the Global Minds Programme. Afterwards they went on a field trip to deploy DGT in the Đáy RiverBarringer Fund for Meteorite Impact Research 2019 Award to Pim Kaskes
PhD student Pim Kaskes receives "The Barringer Family Fund for Meteorite Impact Research 2019" to carry out detailed field mapping of the Chicxulub crater ejecta in North America. see Claeys op het podium voor Universiteit van Vlaanderen
On Monday 17 June 2019, Philippe Claeys is invited by Universiteit Van Vlaanderen, at Club Fuse in Brussels, to talk about the extinction of the dinosaures (In Dutch). Show starts at 19:00 and is to be recorded for the YouTube channel of Universiteit Van VlaanderenSeminar: “WAVEPAL: A Python software for the frequency and wavelet analyses of irregularly sampled time series”
BY GUILLAUME LENOIR I will present the Python package WAVEPAL which performs frequency and time-frequency analyses of irregularly sampled time series without interpolating the data. The frequency analysis is based on the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and the WOSA smoothing method.Alicia Van Ham - Meert PhD on development of new isotope tracers in Archaeology
Alicia Van Ham - Meert obtained on May 06, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the thesis: "Development of non-destructive analysis protocols for the chemical and isotopic analysis of archaeological materials". Joint PhD between the KU Leuven and the VUB, superv...Niels de Winter PhD on high resolution (year, season…) paleoclimates determination in deep-time
Niels de Winter obtained on February 22, 2019 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis " A critical assessment of the proxies, archives and techniques available for high-resolution paleoclimate reconstructions". With Philippe Claeys as advisor.&nb...Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mercury Marine Biogeochemistry
POST-DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN MERCURY MARINE BIOGEOCHEMISTRY The Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC) at VUB offers a Post-doctoral Fellowship position.Dr. Christophe Snoeck nominated as Archeaologist of the year 2019
Dr. Christophe Snoeck is nominated as Archeaologist of the year 2019 and his research paper: Strontium isotope analysis on cremated human remains from Stonehenge support links with west Wales, by Snoeck et al.Mars landing of InSight life at VUB
De Vrije Universiteit Brussel organiseert maandag 26 november een live-streaming van de landing van het ruimtetuig InSight op Mars. Om 21 uur Belgische tijd landt InSight op de rode planeet.Kevin De Bondt PhD on optimized new methods for urban water management
Kevin De Bondt obtained on September 21, 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the doctoral thesis "The forgotten connections between groundwater and urban water management policies: Stable isotope and the Urban Hydrological Landscape applied to Brussels". Thesis adviso...VUB researcher solves Stonehenge mystery
Christophe Snoeck's paper on " Strontium isotope analysis on cremated human remains from Stonehenge support links with west Wales " that was published in Nature Scientific Reports is seen as a breaktrough in developing insights on the Stonehenge mystery. His research...Workshop: Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project
AMGC ORGANIZES THE CYCLOSTRATIGRAPHY INTERCOMPARISON PROJECT 2018 WORKSHOP IN BRUSSELS From July 30 till August 01, 2018 the AMGC research group will organize the Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project 2018 Workshop in the ‘Paleis de Academiën” in Brussels. The main goal of...Seminar: “A petrographic approach to understanding impact processes”
BY LIDIA PITTARELLO Meteorite impact cratering is generally investigated through observations, experiments, and numerical modeling. These three approaches can succeed only by mutual cooperation.Rapid recovery of life within the Chicxulub crater after the K/Pg mass extinction
The paper " Rapid recovery of life at ground zero of the end-Cretaceous mass extinction " is in collaboration with many international science researchers including Prof. Dr.Stef Vansteenberge PhD on recent paleoclimate reconstruction using speleothems
Stef Vansteenberge obtained on May 25 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: Reconstruction of last interglacial & last glacial inception paleoclimate using Belgian speleothems. Promotor: Prof. dr.Tara Vandermarken PhD on Calux Bioassay to detect estrogens
Tara Vandermarken obtained on May 25, 2018 the academic degree of DOCTOR OF SCIENCES with the following doctoral thesis: "Development of estrogens in the environment and in food packaging materials". PhD advisors Marc Elskens.Seminar: “ET-Home: Evolution and Tracers of Habitability on Mars and the Earth”
BY STEVEN GODERIS This proposal documents habitability on the early Earth and at the surface of Mars in the past and the present. Habitability is commonly understood as “the potential of an environment (past or present) to support life of any kind”.Seminar: CRUMBEL: Cremations, Urns and Mobility; Ancient population dynamics in Belgium
BY CHRISTOPHE SNOECK The CRUMBEL project (Cremation, Urns and Mobility; ancient population dynamics in BELgium) proposes to study the important collections of cremated bone found in Belgium dating from the Neolithic to the Early-Medieval period.Seminar: “Modern versus ancient controls on sedimentary systems; the present is not always the key to the past”
BY POPPE L. DE BOER The concept of uniformitarianism dates back to the late 18th century. The idea is that physical and chemical laws have not changed, and that also in the distant geological past sedimentary processes have acted as they do today.Micrometeorites from Antarctica
AMGC’ers Steven Goderis and Matthias Van Ginnenken brought back more than 100 kg of material full of micrometeorite, their successful expedition is reported in De Standaard De Morgen RTL/infoSeminar: “Don’t count so much on Renewables” – Being serious about Climate Change
BY KRISTOF CUADROS PEREZ Climate Response “Will Renewable Energies save our Climate?”, “Is the industry not the big driver for Climate Change?”, “Why aren’t Governments doing more?” and “Can individuals really make a difference?” These are just some of the basic questions...