This year field season in Antarctica led to the discovery of an almost 8 kg meteorite. The international team composed of Vinciane Debaille (ULB), Maria Valdes (Field Museum, Chicaco), Maria Schoenbaechler (ETH Zurich) and our AMGC-VUB finishing PhD student Ryoga Maeda, alias master meteorite finder, recovered a 7,6 kg meteorite, which at first sight appears to be an H-chrondrite. This information will have to be verified once the meteorite has been defrosted and studied in Brussels. Each newly discovered meteorite brings a sheds a new light to the evolution of the Solar System and the formation of planets.
Several media, press, TV, radio reported this finding, see VUB News or national and international media below
See VRT, De Morgen, Le Soir, RTBF, Forbes, CNN, Physics.org, Space.com, Times of India, CNET, Brussels Times, Science Daily, Etc.