Dr. Alexandra Rodler
Alexandra has an ERC starting grant and is a permanent researcher at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. click here to know more
Alexandra Rodler was a postdoctoral researcher at the Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry research group as part of the ET-HOME Astrobiology Consortium (2019-2020) and then joined the Austrian Academy of Sciences with a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship (2020-2021).
She is using (isotope) geochemistry for reconstructing paleo-environmental conditions at critical intervals of climatic change and links between the rise of oxygen levels and the evolution of complex life. Also, she is using (isotope) geochemistry to reconstruct networks and exchange in archaeological contexts.
PhD, University of Copenhagen (DK), 2016
MSc, University of Copenhagen (DK),
MSc, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (AT), 2011
BSc, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (AT), 2008 - 2010