Dr. Ben Gruwier
Ben is currently a post-doctoral researcher on the project ALIMENT with Christophe Snoeck.
I am a palaeo- and archaeozoologist with an M.A. from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE) and a Ph.D. from Durham University (UK). My technical expertise is in faunal analysis, mammalian osteomorphology, palaeoecology and geometric morphometrics. This has led my research to take two primary directions: (1) the ecological and socio-economic role of animals during the historic period in Northwestern Europe and (2) the use of vertebrate remains to reconstruct Pleistocene hominin behaviour and environments in Asia. As a result, I am, or have been, involved in the analysis of a large number of faunal assemblages from Belgium, France, Indonesia, Turkey, Georgia and Armenia. In addition, I have conducted morphometric studies on several vertebrate groups, including cervids, suids, mustelids and geese. As part of the ALIMENT project I aim to use animal remains from Flemish archaeological sites to track innovations and changes in agricultural practice during the postmedieval period.
B.A. in Archaeology, University of Ghent, Belgium
M.A. in Archaeology, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium
Ph.D. in Anthropology, Durham University, United Kingdom
F8.53 - AMGC
1050 Brussels