Dr. Giacomo Capuzzo
Dr. Giacomo is now a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Post-doctoral fellow at the Università degli Studi di Trento in italy. He visits AMGC regularly to carry out analyses
Previous positions
- Post-doctoral researcher in the Crumbel EOS FWO-FNRS project at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel 2021-2022
- Post-doctoral researcher in the Crumbel EOS FWO-FNRS project at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; 2018-2021
- External post-doctoral collaborator at the Quantitative Archaeology Lab (LAQU), Department of Prehistory, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain); 2015-2018.
- Ph.D. in Prehistoric Archaeology and in Archaeological Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain); co-tutelle thesis with the University of Padova (Italy); 2014.
- M.Sc. Prehistoric Archaeology, University of Padova (Italy); 2009.
- B.A.s Archaeology, University of Padova (Italy); 2006.
Research topics
I am a science-based archaeologist specialized in the use of radiocarbon dates and strontium/oxygen isotopes to reconstruct the behaviour of past societies, providing information about phenomena like the adoption and spread of innovations, human mobility processes, socio-cultural changes, and palaeodemographic fluctuations at a European and regional scale. I am expert in chrono- and geo-statistics(OxCal and Bayesian modelling, GIS applications) applied toa large range of 14C-dated sites. I have intensively worked on materials and data from Bronze Age-Early Iron Age archaeological contexts from northeaster Spain, Belgium, northern Italy, Switzerland, and southern France; this has allowed me to gain a deep knowledge on complex social dynamics characterising European protohistoric communities.
As an archaeologist, I participated in excavations in Italy, Spain and Israel, and spent research periods at the Department of Prehistory of the Naturhistorisches Museum in Vienna (Austria), the D-REAMS Radiocarbon Laboratory, Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel), and the Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah (USA).
My current research in the CRUMBEL project focuses on developing and managing the project database, selecting for radiocarbon dating the most suitable prehistoric and historic cremation deposits recovered in Belgium, statistically modelling the 14C dates from the Mesolithic-Early Medieval period, and exploring prehistoric past human mobility using strontium isotopes in cremated remains.
Bioarchaeology; European protohistory;Radiocarbon dating; Human mobility; Funerary customs; Isotope (O, S, Sr) analyses