Dr. Ségolène Rabin
- DPhil 2021 (PhD) in Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier
- MSc 2017 in Earth and Planetary Sciences, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP)
- M.Eng. 2017 in Geology - Mining exploration, UniLaSalle Beauvais
Understanding the behavior of non-traditional isotopes at high temperature during planetary differentiation.
Various processes are involved in the formation and evolution of the crust such as partial melting and fractional crystallization which are also dependent of many parameters (temperature of melting, pressure, composition of the source …). In order to understand the formation of the crust, it is essential to decipher these processes through petrological and geochemical studies. Stable isotopes represent promising geochemical tools to decipher the processes that are play. It is therefore essential to understand stable isotopes behavior at high temperature in magmatic systems.
In the past few years, my research work focused on understanding the processes involved in iron and silicon isotopes fractionation during magmatic differentiation. To this end, I used multiple methods including:
- Determination of theoretical Fe and Si fractionation factors between Fe-bearing minerals and silicate melts based on first-principles density-functional theory (DFT) and first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD).
- MC-ICP-MS measurements to obtain the iron isotopic compositions of three differentmagmatic series from the South-East of Kerguelen Archipelago.
- Development of a method for in-situ Fe and Si isotopes measurements in silicate minerals using a fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS.
I am currently working on the BELSPO project “DESIRED”: Tracing differentiation processes through siderophile elements, from meteorites to giant ore deposits. (more informations)
Non-traditional isotopes – Magmatic differentiation – Ab-initio calculations - MC-ICP-MS – TIMS - fs-LA-MC-ICP-MS - SEM – EMPA
Pleinlaan 2, VUB
1050 Brussels