The pre-print of Sietze de Graaff is second in the SSRN top 10 list to download list.
The paper is titled: The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic aged magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. It shows how impact cratering process through the formation of a peak-ring reveals new information on deeply buried lithologies.
The paper, which constitutes one of the last published chapters of Sietze PhD thesis was recently listed on SSRN's Top Ten download list for the following journals: EarthSciRN: Tectonophysics (Topic), Geochemistry & Petrology eJournal, GeologyRN: Igneous Geochemistry & Petrology (Topic), GeologyRN: Other Structural Geology & Tectonics (Topic), PlanetSciRN: Interior Structure & Dynamics (Topic), Planetary Geology & Geophysics eJournal, Space & Planetary Science Research Network and Structural Geology & Tectonics eJournal.
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