Dries Vergouwen
I studied Art Studies and Archaeology at the VUB from 2018-2022. The first semester of my Master I went on an Erasmus program to Cyprus where I followed the ‘Masters Programme in Field Archaeology on Land and Under the Sea’. The Roman capital of Cyprus was also the main topic of my Master thesis ‘Come sail your Ships around me. Studying the Roman Harbour Infrastructure and Seascape of Nea Paphos using a Viewshed Analysis’ for which I was awarded the VLIZ Master Thesis Award 2022. Prof. Dr. Ralf Vandam from VUB and Prof. Dr. Apostolos Sarris from University of Cyprus were my supervisors. During my studies at VUB I followed the extracurricular program Talent voor Onderzoek for which I was part of the team of the Hala Sultan Tekke Hinterland Survey Project, coordinated by VUB and MARI, for the two consecutive campaigns. In October 2023, I started my applied Phd ‘Revealing the Senne: a hidden landmark in the historical center of Brussels’ which is a collaboration between VUB and Urban.brussels, funded by Innoviris and has a duration of four years. Prof. Dr. Ralf Vandam and Prof. Dr. Yannick Devos from VUB and Ann Degraeve and Marc Meganck from Urban.brussels are my supervisors for my Phd.
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussels