Erwin Meylemans
Erwin Meylemans (°31-01-1975) studied archaeology at the university of Leuven, where he graduated in 1997 with a thesis on the submycenaean and protogemeometric period of Evvia (Greece). He started working as an archaeologist in 1998 at the Flemish government, where from 2001 to 2007 he steered the development of the ‘Central Archaeological Inventory’. From 2008 to 2012 he directed a project concerning preventive archaeology in tidal restoration areas, ultimately leading to several (wetland) excavations. Currently his activities are again oriented towards archaeological inventories and evaluation of sites, specializing in prehistory.
His current phd (working title: ‘A Landscape Biography from the Lower Scheldt valley from the Lateglacial to the Roman period') topic is the Lower Scheldt valley from the late/ final palaeolithic to the Roman period, discussing in broad strokes the interplay between environmental evolutions, human behaviour, and the preservation potential of the archaeological record.
Key publications:
MEYLEMANS E., BASTIAENS J., DEFORCE K., ERVYNCK A., PERDAEN Y., STORME A., CROMBÉ PH. 2018: The oldest cereals in the coversand area along the North Sea coast of NW Europe, between ca. 4800 and 3500 cal BC, at the wetland site of ‘Bazel- Sluis’ (Belgium), Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 49, 1-7.
Meylemans E., Bastiaens J., Bogemans F., Clerbaut T. , Debruyne S., Deforce K., Ervynck A., Lentacker A., Perdaen Y., Storme A., Vanholme N., Van Neer W. 2022: The environment and its exploitation along the Lower Scheldt river during the Roman period (Wichelen, Belgium – Late 1st to 3rd centuries AD), Environmental Archaeology.
MEYLEMANS E., BOGEMANS F., STORME A., PERDAEN Y., VERDURMEN I., DEFORCE K. 2013: Lateglacial and Holocene fluvial dynamics in the Lower Scheldt basin (Belgium) and their impact on the presence, detection and reservation potential of the archaeological record, Quaternary International 308-309, 148-161.
MEYLEMANS E., BOGEMANS F., DEFORCE K., JACOPS J., PERDAEN Y., STORME A., VERDURMEN I. 2014: High tides and low sites: the effects of tidal restoration on the archaeological heritage in the Kalkense Meersen area (Lower Scheldt Basin, Belgium) , IN: MEYLEMANS E., POESEN J., IN’T VEN I. (EDS): The archaeology of erosion the erosion of archaeology, Relicta Monografieën 9, Brussel.
MEYLEMANS, E., PERDAEN, Y., SERGANT, J., BASTIAENS, J., CROMBÉ, PH., DEBRUYNE, S., DEFORCE, K., DU RANG, E., ERVYNCK, A., LENTACKER, A., STORME, A., VAN NEER, W., 2016. Archeologische opgraving van een midden- mesolithische tot midden neolithische vindplaats te ‘Bazel-Sluis 5’ (gem. Kruibeke, prov. Oost-Vlaanderen), Onderzoeksrapporten Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed 40, Brussel.
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