Dr. Marta Marchegiano, post-doctoral researcher at AMGC received an International Association of Sedimentologists IAS post-doctoral grant.
The title of her project is "Ostracod living fauna from Lake Izabal (Guatemala) and Lake Victoria (Tanzania) as modern analogue to reconstruct past climate changes in fragile ecosystems”.
This funding made it possible to sample both Lake Victoria and Izabal to calibrate her new clumped isotope curve for ostracods. Clumped isotope on ostracods is a novel way to determine absolute paleotemperature in lake sediments.
She also received an IAS travel grant to present her work at the 8th International Clumped Isotope Workshop in Jerusalem in September 2022. Her presentation is titled "Clumped-isotope thermometer applied on ostracod shells: a new proxy to identify continental climate changes"
Great job Marta
Sampling lake Izabal in Guatemala in August 2022.