Thursday 22 April, 4 PM CET
Carina Gerritzen
ABSTRACT: Isotope Chemistry is a massive field, with applications ranging from tracing the origins of a bottle of wine to tracing the origins of a planet's formation. In an exhilarating isotope overview, I will discuss my previous and future works. I'll give a short introduction into the diverse methods used for isotope analyses. I'll discuss my research on the early solar system and potassium isotopes. I'll then discuss Earth's differentiation and earliest history, and how samples from Kambalda tell us about late accretion as well as the onset of plate tectonics. From there, I'll discuss how we learn about mantle rocks, isochrons, and European history. Finally, we'll look to the future by discussing the past. I'll tell you about isotopes in archeology, and what the next steps of my PhD are! Isotopes are incredibly exciting!