Jérôme Roland obtained on January 17th 2024, the academic degree of DOCTOR in of SCIENCE with the thesis "Condensation processes in impact-related vapor plumes evidenced by isotope fractionation"
Joint PhD with the group G-Time at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Supervisors: Prof. Steven Goderis (VUB), Prof. Vinciane Debaille (ULB)
Examination board:
- Prof. Nadine Mattielli (ULB),
- Prof. Christophe Snoeck (VUB),
- Prof. Paolo Angelo Sossi (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Prof. Mark Rehkämper (Imperial College London, UK)
Good job Jérôme, a capital advance in the understanding of complex impact-generated vapor plumes.