Prof. Dr. em. John Eisenreich
Dr. Eisenreich is an environmental chemist (organic) and water expert focusing over the last years on sources, sinks, fate and transport of organic pollutants in the aquatic environment and exchanges with the atmosphere. He obtained a PhD from the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 1975 in Water Chemistry before becoming Professor of Environmental Engineering Sciences at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis until 1995 when he became Chair and Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University (USA) until 2001. Dr. Eisenreich joined the European Commission’s Joint Research Center (JRC) where he led JRC activities in water (WFD) and chemicals (REACH) from 2001. In 2013, he became Guest Professor at VUB where he now teaches graduate courses in water resources management and water quality assessment (IUPWARE), and chemical oceanography (O&Ls), while supervising MS students in related disciplines.
Prof. Eisenreich has ~300 scientific publications in environmental chemistry of pollutants. He has been honored with the Award of the American Chemical Society (ACS) for Creative Advances in Environmental Science and Technology, and the SETAC Founders Award and as well as named Fellow of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC). He also is an external expert to the European Commission’s DG Environment contributing to scientific activities on identifying emerging chemical pollutants in EU groundwater and establishing chemical thresholds for GW protection.
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1050 Brussels