Today Rachèl Spros successfully obtained her PhD with a dissertation titled "Down the Ypres rabitt-hole: A multi-isotope analysis of a medieval urban population".
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Philippe Claeys, Prof. Dr. Ir. Christophe Snoeck from AMGC & Prof. Dr. Bart Lambert from HOST
Examination board:
- Prof. Dr. Steven Goderis (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Babara Veselka (Secretary)
- Prof. Dr. Tamsin O'Connell (University of Cambridge, UK)
- Dr. Anton Ervynck (Agentschap Onroenrend Erfgoed)
- Alexander Lehouck (Abdijmuseum Ten Duinen)
Congratulations Rachèl and best of luck for the future… and keep your eternal love for isotopes