The influence of structuration and hydrothermal alteration of a basement rock on present fluid pathway
Geothermal exploitation in basement rocks harnesses hot brines that circulate in fracture networks to produce electricity or heat, like it is currently performed at Soultz-sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen (Upper Rhine Graben, France) respectively. The knowledge of fluid pathways in a fracture network is a key parameter for a safe and efficient geothermal exploitation. In the case of too low reservoir permeability, stimulations may be performed in order to enhance the connectivity of the fracture network. However, this can lead to induced seismicity events as it occurred recently close to Strasbourg (France). The deformation and hydrothermal alteration degrees can have an influence on how fluids circulate in the fracture network as it may change the behavior of a fracture to act as a drain or as a barrier for fluid.
This research project is intended to provide new insights in the understanding of fluid/rock interactions in fractured zones and the relationship with the risks of induced seismicity in the frame of geothermal operations.