AMGC paleoclimate research using speleothems (stalagmite and cave deposits) is featured on Belgian TV (RTBF), with interview of Sophie Verheyden and Philippe Claeys.
Click here to watch video (in French)
This follows a large press coverage in Belgian media of our recent paper based on the PhD thesis of Stef Vansteenberge published in Climate of the Past (click on link to read it in open access) comparing the effect of seasonality during the 16th-17the century and modern days (1960-2010) based on a stalagmite from Han sur Less in Belgium. The paper compares using stable isotopes the effect of seasonal changes in precipitation and temperature between different periods in the 16th - 17th century as well as modern days (1960-2010) based on a stalagmite with a unique high resolution from Han sur Less in Belgium. Over the last 400 years, the Belgian climate seems to be getting warmer and drier in the winter.
The following journals wrote about our results : RTBF news, L’Avenir , Daily Science, Le Vif, EOS etc.
The article in Climate of the Past article was highlighted in the News of EOS, the magazine of the American Geophysical Union, with a nice quote by Prof. Fairchild, professor emeritus at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom and a longtime speleothem expert , “This looks to be a very well executed study that makes excellent use of preserved high-resolution information.” And although he admits that many speleothems can’t be studied in such detail, he notes that when they are, “a powerful understanding can be revealed.”