Philippe Claeys was in Marocco end of November invited to present a keynote talks during the inaugural session of the MedGU 2022 Meeting.
The Mediterranean Geosciences Union meeting (Nov. 28 to 30) was in Marrakech at the Cadi Ayyad University. Philippe also gave a talk in the Special Session on Astrogeology, Impact Crater, and Meteorites. Before the meeting, Philippe was hosted by Maroccan meteorite expert Professor Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane in Casablanca. He also gave talks at the Faculté des Sciences, Ain Chock, Université Hassan II in Casablanca, and at the Meteorite Exhibition of the Attarik Foundation in the Marina Mall. This Meteorite Exhibit is particularly impressive.
With the Attarik team and Prof. Hasnaa Chennaoui Aoudjehane in Casablanca (left) and talking at MedGU 2022 (right)