Check out Altmetric of our paper “Chicxulub impact winter sustained by fine silicate dust”. It is a collaboration with Royal Belgian Observatory and Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. The paper is published in Nature Geoscience and shows for this first time, using detailed sedimentological data to parameterize climate models that dust ejected from the crater into the atmosphere blocked photosynthesis on Earth for up to 2 full years, and was likely main factor in the K-Pg mass extinction 66 million years ago that marked the demise of the dinosaurs.
Read the paper here and download its media highlights in PDF here (5.32 MB) "pdf"
International media coverage by Nature News, New York Times, Reuters, CNN, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Newsweek, New Scientist, La Libre, VRT News, HLN, De Morgen, het Nieuwsblad, Historiek, RTBF TV, RTBF Radio, Science et avenir, Veja (Brazil), Smithsonian Magazine, Brussels Times, Radio New Zealand, ABC Australia, India Today, RTL Info, etc. The Smithsonian Magazine listed it in the top 10 dinosaurs discoveries of 2023, and Discovery Magazine wrote a very nice piece about it.
Check the Altmetric page of the paper with 1,129 news hits on Nov. 22 2023; article ranked 63rd of 289,088 tracked articles of a similar age in all journals and 3rd of 64 similar age tracked articles in Nature Geoscience.