This was a busy weekend for AMGC'ers in terms of Science outreach and presentations to a public of non-specialists. Check it out. The following activities illustrate well the efforts made by the AMCG group to communicate the research results to a large public, and share our passion for science.
On November 24th, 2023 Prof. Steven Goderis was invited to the MIRA Astro-club in Grimbergen to give a talk titled "Hoe de Chicxulub inslag in een ogenblik de wereld veranderde". (see the announcement in Dutch here).
On November 26th, 2023 Prof. Christophe Snoeck together with several AMGC researchers, Jacobs Griffth, Flore Van Maldeghem, Lisa Krämer Ruggiu, Ben Gruwier, Anneminne Frere, Marta Hlad, organized an activity for the "Dag van de Wetenschap" in the center of Brussels titled " Astronaut Archaeology"